MNKINO Screening. Photo credit: MNKINO.

MNKINO Video Installation. Photo credit: MNKINO.
MNKINO38: Arrivals and Departures
MNKINO38: Arrivals & Departures is a video screening that invites participants to share personal stories about coming and going. The screening takes advantage of its location at the newly renovated Union Depot and near the Mississippi River, two major St. Paul thoroughfares, to explore the importance of home, place, and travel. Participants have the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences and experiences of others–relocating for a new career, fleeing from a bad relationship, immigrating to a new country, or riding the Empire Builder across the United States. Participants are invited to submit short films (under 5-minutes) on the theme Arrivals & Departures at www.mnkino.com during the two months preceding Northern Spark. The videos will play on a loop during Northern Spark, including a screening with filmmakers present and a Q&A at 9:45PM.
MNKINO is a bi-monthly excuse for anyone to make a film, and to meet others who like doing the same. It’s not just for film school graduates, MFA candidates, or videographers. It’s for you. At each event, we’ll give you a word, object, idea, a “Mystery Meat” for the next screening. Participants have two months to produce a short video inspired by the theme.