Lunchtime parade in Havana. Photo credit: Philip Blackburn.

De por vida con Fidel. Photo credit: Philip Blackburn.

Revolutionary. Photo credit: Philip Blackburn.
Habanera: A Soundwalk through Old Havana, Cuba
Why Havana? Because there are more musicians per square foot than just about anywhere else and it’s good to get out a bit when it’s so hot, hot, hot. The stone buildings amplify the multi-layered culture and history. Where else do Santeria chants and Catholic mass sound together?
What better way to get to know the intimate details of a culture than through your ears and your shoes?
Environmental sound artist Philip Blackburn, ambled through Old Havana in 2004 with hidden binaural microphones. The city is full of sounds; you can compose your city according to the path you take. Blackburn’s path takes us past alleys, buildings and streets where you can hear Fidel waffling on and on, cigar black-marketers, flamenco dancers, kids playing, peanut sellers, vintage electronica, and the nightly canon fire.