String | Felt | Theory. Image credit: Randy Walker, Liz Miller, and Andréa Stanislav.
Randy Walker, Shimmer Frames, 2008. Image credit: Randy Walker.
Liz Miller, Imperious Decorum (detail), 2012. Image credit: Liz Miller.
Andréa Stanislav, Broken Obelisks (maquette), 2013. Image credit: Andréa Stanislav.
String | Felt | Theory
As St. Paul’s only visual arts museum, the Minnesota Museum of American Art will make a huge impact with a not-to-be-missed exhibition that will open at sundown on June 8, 2013. “String | Felt | Theory” features three site-specific installations by three Minnesota artists: Randy Walker, Liz Miller, and Andréa Stanislav. All three artists use everyday materials that, when densely layered and multiplied to room-size dimensions, make bold visual statements. Walker, Miller, and Stanislav have exhibited extensively, in Minnesota, nationally and internationally. MMAA will present the work of these acclaimed artists together for the first time.
Walker, who studied architecture, uses found objects and sites as structural frameworks for wrapped and woven fiber. In her elaborate room-size compositions, Miller recontextualizes shapes, signs and symbols appropriated from historical and contemporary imagery to create new hybrid forms. Reflection is a cornerstone of Stanislav’s work, which interrogates the structures of power. The mirrored surfaces of her sculptural installations literally and psychologically draw the viewer into their meaning. All three works will be shown in an open floor plan at the MMAA Project Space, thus allowing them to interact with one another and create a total experience.